Monday, May 17, 2021



MAY 2021

All classes will be at 706 Bow String Cove in the Memorial/Eldridge area.

Sunday, May 16th, 9am-noon, HEALING & RELEASING PSYCHIC TRAUMA. We've all heard of PTSD from big physical traumas, like soldiers home from wars, or a bad injury or accident. Did you know that we also carry PTSD from "psychic" traumas that can also seriously affect our health, relationships, and other aspects of our lives? These traumas could have come from a childhood situation, for example, maybe a pet died or you were bullied at school, or even in utero, but they still limit us as adults. Come and learn about how to track down, identify, and most importantly to easily clear and release some of these psychic traumas. This is not an area that most medical systems address, yet they play a critical part in our life. We all have these traumas trapped suppressed and continuing to wound us. This skill is not only simple once you understand it, but easy and very powerful. You will be amazed and glad that you have taken the time to learn and master it! $55 advance / $65 door

Sunday, May 16th, 2pm- 6pm, WORKING WITH CURSES, PETITIONS, AND MORE. The very idea of a "curse" having any effect on us now may seem absolutely ridiculous, but actually, they can be a very REAL thing ... creating powerful and even crippling influences in many areas of our lives. Especially if it is a multi-generational event from our ancestors. Remember the Hatfields and the McCoys? Curses and their effects are far more common than one would ever imagine. We learn to identify and compassionately clear these for our families, now, past, and future with usually dramatic results. Sandee will also teach us about using petitions, decrees, and a lot of other little-known but significantly important tools that can improve our lives. This workshop is no Hocus Pocus! $55 advance / $65 door

Wednesday 5/19/21 at 7pm via zoom. Lone Star Dowsers - Sandee Mac
May 19, 2021 | 07:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 862 6405 5448 | Passcode: 219083

Saturday, May 22nd, 9am - 6pm, ADVANCED CLASS! PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER – This class is designed for students who have taken Sandee’s prior classes. The class will focus on using the tools that you have learned from Sandee, along with other tools you may already have, and putting them all together to bring about lasting change in your life, or (if you are a practitioner) in other people’s lives. $97 advance / $125 door

Sunday, May 23rd, 9am - 6pm, THE HIDDEN FACTORS IN MANIFESTING YOUR VISIONS - We all know the basics about how to manifest our visions and goals from the spiritual to the physical levels. When it doesn't quite work out there may be some hidden or unknown elements blocking or sabotaging our success. It could be almost anything from an ancestor to a curse, or even an allergy that can cause the interference. We may often try again and again to manifest, or VisualEyes, or program our goals - always to no avail. Sandee has been dowsing for over 40 years and has uncovered many of these critical hidden factors as well as many solutions to resolving them. These critical factors can affect/interfere with any of our goals regarding health, relationships, finances, and even spiritual goals. Don't miss this opportunity to discover and get a resolution for some of these issues as well as significantly enhancing your dowsing skills. Help yourself and all those you love and assist to manifest their finest dreams. This will be a powerful and intensive workshop, so come prepared to make a massive change!

$97 advance / $125 door

For information or to register for a class or private consultation, call or text EMILY SLOAN at 713-582-1198 or email at
You can pay for classes via credit card, check, cash, or PayPal at Call Emily for details.
For more information about Sandee, her classes, or private consultations, visit

About Sandee Mac: Sandee Mac is a long-time Houston metaphysician. She is a frequent speaker at numerous conferences in the US and abroad including England, Canada & Bosnia. Sandee has been researching & teaching a vast array of techniques since the ’70s. She has traveled all over the world to places like Peru, China, Tibet, Greece, and Africa to learn from a variety of teachers and masters. As a result, she is certified, trained, or initiated in over 70 different modalities ranging from Black Hat Sect Feng Shui, Dowsing (Past President of American Society of Dowsers), Past Life Regression, Shamanism, NLP, Hypnosis, and much more. Sandee uses a variety of these tools and techniques in her private consultations to help people overcome a range of issues, including physical pain, disease, and fatigue to mental illness, depression and emotional difficulties to relationship problems to money blockages. She has also worked with UFO abductees and contactees for over three decades. In addition to her private consultations, she loves to share her knowledge with others. She regularly teaches classes in Dowsing, Psychic Protection, Creating Abundance, Past Life & Regression, and many other topics. She currently resides in the mountains of Arizona.

Schedule Private Sessions by Phone:  +1 (505) 577 . 5775