Tuesday, September 22, 2020

 Dear Dowser Family and Friends,

It’s that time of yearly seasonal change.  Autumnal equinox, September 22nd.  Symbolically and spiritually the change represents a change in mental, physical and spiritual processes.  Historically fall represents the air element of the winds.  Personally, I welcome a very needed change from the summer heat and fire season. Tuesday 6:30am (PDT) sun enters libra with the new moon to begin fall.

Our hearts and prayers go out to all those affected (especially along the west coast), by fires, pollution, extreme weather patterns, etc.  Some dowser members have lost their homes again.  We’re are sorry for all those who’ve been adversely affected by the drought and fires, especially these last five years.  We need water in the west. Thanks to everyone helping.

Speaking of water, the American Society of Dowsers’ “Water Dowsers Mastermind Conference Call” will be featured Bill Henry (Dyke, VA) at 5pm (PDT).  Mr. Henry shared his perspective on water, map and energy dowsing.  (see attachments)  His email: onarock01@yahoo.com  Mr. Henry's goal is to find water to make clients happy.  He stressed that one's intent plays an important role in dowsing.

Mark your Calendar: Sunday, September 27th.  Please see attached Nor Cal Dowsers’s September 27th flyer featuring guest speaker Sandee Mac on our virtual platform “Go to Meeting” at 1:30pm, and Nor Cal Dowsers’ announcement/newsletter.(attachments). 

Mark your Calendar:  Saturday, October 17th at 1:30pm (Pacific) Ralph and Marsha Ring will be joining the Nor Cal Dowsers meeting as the featured guests.  They have many life experiences to share and are working on new projects often.  If you’d like to get a heads up please visit their website:  www.BlueStarEnterprises.com

One of our Dowser Family members, Pat Delafield (Washington) died recently.  She was the founder and president of the Energy Dowsers in Lynnwood, WA.  She has been a good friend, expert gold dowser, healer, channeler, minister, etc.  See newsletter for further details. 

Thanks to the American Society of Dowsers awarding of “Best Chapter Newsletter” to the Nor Cal Dowsers (Northern California Dowsers) chapter.  We appreciate everyone’s efforts and help to be of service.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon via phone or computer.

Stay safe, stay positive and know that there is so much good out in the world. The globe needs YOU now. 

🙏🏽Thanks & Happy 🍁Autumnal Equinox!

~Sandee Mac